Thursday, April 30, 2020

Surrender to your emotions sometimes!

Sometimes, just sometimes and yes, sometimes you want to give up! You want to give up everything, everything that keeps you going, everything that you aspire for, crave for, want to die for, long for and known for. Loneliness during social distancing gets on you, creeps upon you, regardless of how strong you are or regardless of how much support system you have. Yes, we have blessings to count & have gratitude for all that we got but sometimes all you want to see is sadness & sulk like a victim and be in your little shell of dwelling emotions & enjoy your tears, loneliness alone as struggle for anything else seems too heavy to carry. I guess it’s called taking an emotional trip to your well where no one else can go but only & only you. The struggle to sail/survive seems so treacherous that you want to do absolute nothing but sulk. Well, I know this all seems sad but it is what it is. Nothing fake, just so pure sense of acceptance for your true emotions. No one is answerable to anyone as long as you aren’t harming anyone except the god within you. But you know this emotional drip down to your “deep well” brings you back usually rejuvenated. During these social distancing days, I bet many of us are experiencing this phase or downfall days/hours. Sharing so that you know you aren’t alone, neither am I as some of us are going in our individual wells at the same time but to come back. Because going deep into the well brings out tears and going through councellor years ago, I had learnt tears rejuvenate you and bring you some peace. So it’s ok to cry, sulk and feel lonely sometimes and let world wait while you are healing in your sulking “Me” time. This time though shall pass too as our brain is automatically hardwired by universe to heal through any emotional wound or stress. Our brain knows how to work through any sadness as long as you surrender to your true emotions and go with the flow. Your brain develops the immunity to gradually cheer you up & bring your spirits up......

Om Namah Shivay prayer for all going through any kind of emotional roller Coaster 🙏🏻
