Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well, even though I am eating lately the most unhealthy foods in the world but I thought of sharing today the Weight Loss Plan I had followed when I was on my path to loose weight/get healthy before getting pregnant this time and some of it I had tried the previous time as well. I am always here to address any questions or concerns. I hope this will be helpful to few. Well, my plan is little more tailored to Indian eating habbits since I did a lot of research and could not find a complete guided path tailored for indians.

Here is the diet Plan if followed for 21 days can start showing results soon. Because it takes 21 days to develop new habbits or change your life style.

My diet plan is based upon low carb diet i.e. not more than 44 gm of carbs per meal. And 12-20 gm of protein per meal.

How our body functions? To burn carbs our body produces insulin and extra insulin gets converted into fat. Hence, we need to eat less carbs and add more protein in diet. Because protein does not need insulin to burn itself. Also, we need to add fiber in our diet since it helps in taking our extra insulin from body.


Early Morning: 1 tbsp of grounded fenugreek seeds/tablet along with luke warm water. Have breakfast 15 mins after it. For more info goto But pregnant women must not take these seeds because it can trigger contractions early. Fenu greek seeds helps in controlling cholesterol/diabetes/hormonal issues/pcos sysmptoms/weight gain etc.

Breakfast: HEAVY –
2 pieces of light wheat bread (35 calorie slice)/ 1 slice of whole grain or whole wheat bread with egg white omellete with spinach and other veggies.

Or dal (lentils)/cauliflower/any other veg stuffed sparantha with less than half tbsp extra virgin olive oil along with plain fat free Yogurt or fat free cottage cheese.

Or grilled cheese sandwhich with 2 light wheat slices or whole wheat English muffin. Use reduced fat cheese slices (2 slices)

AND A glass of organic fat free milk with no sugar.

OR a bowl of healthy cereal and milk

Mid morning snack: for protein 5-7 almonds/walnuts/2 tbsp of roasted sunflower seeds and a fruit: clamentine/grapes/cherry/apple/blueberry/strawberry/blackberries/pear/pomegranate

Or a light fruit Yoplait (fruit yogurt)

Lunch: Medium-
half plate of veggies/chicken breast and 1 bowl of fat free yogurt and 1-2 chapatties.

Mid evening snack: any healthy fruit and some cheese, healthy crackers with 50% reduced fat cabbot cheese or healthy protein bar

Dinner: Light-
half plate veggies and 1 ½ chappati and fat free yogurt/chicken breast/grilled or baked fish.

Or Lot of salad with lemon as dressing and avoid salt.

Important Healthy Rules/Tips:

1) Make wheat dough with 30-40% wheat bran and 2 spoons of grounded flax seeds.

2) Never eat fruit immediately after any meal. Wait for an hour before eating fruit after lunch/diner since otherwise fruit would get converted into sucrose.

3) Antioxidants foods like walnuts, flax seeds, Blueberries, pomegranate etc are very healthy.

4) Avoid any artificial sweetners as much as you can.
5) If taking alcohol- first preference should be red wine then white wine and LAST in the queue comes beer.

6) No fresh juices or market juices since juices are concentrated form of carbs.

7) To loose weight we need to have low carb diet NOT low fat diet.

8) Avocado is healthy fat but only 1/3 of avocado/day intake since it is also intense in calories.
9) 1 bowl of dal/lentils is quivalent to 1 bowl of potatoes w.r.t carbs.
10) Look for list of low glycemic index foods online and try to consume more of them and avoid high glycemic index foods.
11) Avoid high usage of microwave and non stick utensils. Because you don’t want your metabolism to slow down by fighting with any contamination.
12) To decrease the bloating in body have only 1000gm of sodium intake that means reasonable sodium/salt intake.
13) Fat free tofu is another good source of protein.
14) Never starve your body rather eat healthy things every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism boosted.
15) Increase water intake.
16) Take less mercury fish like salmon/cat fish once a weak.
17) Prefer room temperature water/ luke warm water over COLD water.
18) To have more fiber take 1 tbsp of benefiber twice a day in your glass of water. Benefiber is cooler less and tasteless.
19) If you don’t want to add wheat bran and flax seeds in your wheat dough, you can add 2 table spoons of benefiber while making dough for some fiber.
20) Turmeric, ginger and garlic are extremely healthy and ginger & turmeric when consumed together in any curry promotes weight loss.


1) Must workout for atleast 40 minutes 4-5 days in a weak. Since after 40 mins of work out your metabolism goes at its peak.
2) Must do 10 minutes of stretching after any work out that will make your muscles to continue burning fat even after.
3) Must keep on changing workout excercises since different routines triggers faster weight loss because it confuses your cells memory and hence it leads to faster results. For eg do different things on different days like : swimming, aerobics, yoga, cardio (treadmill/elliptical etc)
4) For faster results do 2 types of routines each day. For eg do a 1 hour class of aerobics and then any core training excercises or yoga or swimming or any cardio for few minutes.
5) 5-10 minutes of “vajra aasan” after lunch and dinner.
6) Keep on drinking water during exercise routine.
7) If working out for more than 1 and half hours in a row then try and have some electrolyte in water i.e. little salt and little sugar.
8) To burn your belly fat do Core training excercises like taichii, pilates etc. This is ideal to tone your body in perfect shape.
9) To release stress do 5-10 minutes of meditation every day after work out.
10)Look for ways to burn more calories via different home chores like ironing, gardening, house cleaning etc.


  1. Your poem touches my heart.. And we always pray for you and your coming one.. and we WISH YOU GOOD LUCK!

  2. Thanks veena for being there and your wishes! Being in so much disbelief state and fearful stage that we are in, wishes mean a lot to us. I still miss aanya everyday and I still weap for her often and even though I am not sure if I have accepted the fact yet though I know somewhere that no child can replace her but god forbid if anything wrong happens this time, I am not sure if I will be able to survive anymore. This wait period is so scary that I can't even express but comfirting words of wishes really make you feel that we are not alone. When so many prayers are with us, hopefully god will not let anything wrong happen. So, Thankyou so much to you and all of those who are wishing good for us. World needs good heart people like you all.
